Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm playing Mega-Man!

Ok. So Iv'e had this really old computer almost my entire life. This thing is ancient. My dad used to play it when I was 1. And the cool thing about it is, it has like a million game programs on it (I forget what they're called). It has almost every SNES, Atari, and NES game on it. Plus, it has games like Leiro, Pocket Tanks, DX Ball, and other things. It actually has no Internet, so the only reason I play it is cuz it has so many games on it. 

So recently, I have been playing Mega-Man (the original).

 It is very fun. I now can beat all the bosses before Dr. Willy in like 5 min. So my Dad (since he beat this game) told me that the Giant Orange thing at the end of the first Willy stage was the final boss. And he's like, ''Hey, maybe you'll finally beat the final boss and see the credits.''

 So I try to beat it for like 2 days. I have the computer on for 2 days trying to beat this peice of crap. And last night, when I finally beat him, I had all the family gathered around the PC. I shot the last shot of my Electric Beam and he turned all black.

 Everyone was yelling and screaming. I was so happy! I was like,

 Then it started counting my score. Then I show up at some green red place and it's like, ''READY?'' I got so pissed. Then I died on the first pit.

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